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Harpers Green is managed by Brisley Parish Council.


The livestock you see grazing on the common between the months of April and October are owned by the holders of historical rights of grazing. The Parish Council supports this, as it is not just a traditional right but an important part of the upkeep of the common which, otherwise, would quickly revert to scrub. This system of grazing by animals is endorsed by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust as part of the essential maintenance of the common.


The management plan put in place by the Norfolk Wildlife Trust can be viewed here.


It is important that the Parish Council adheres to the management plan as it forms part of a higher level stewardship scheme. This means we can access grant funding to help maintain the common. If we did not have this funding stream, the parish precept would have to be much higher as this is the only other funding option available tothe parish council .


In its present state, the Green is a haven for wildlife and fauna.

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