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Council Meeting Dates

The Parish Council meet on the first Wednesday in every month apart from January, April and August when there is no meeting. The meetings are held at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Members of the public are warmly welcomed to attend and are able to address the meeting during the Open Forum session in each meeting.


The public and press are able to address the Council during the Public Participation session.  


The agenda is usually published here on the Thursday prior to the following Wednesday meeting.







Meeting dates for 2024/25 are as follows:


  • 15th April 2024 (6.00pm) - Extraordinary Meeting

  • 1st May (Annual Meetings) 2024

  • 5th June 2024

  • 3rd July 2024

  • 4th September 2024

  • 2nd October 2024

  • 6th November 2024

  • 4th December 2024

  • 5th February 2025

  • 5th March 2025


Meeting dates for 2023/24 are as follows:


  • 10th May 2023

  • 7th June 2023

  • 5th July 2023

  • 6th September 2023

  • 4th October 2023

  • 1st November 2023

  • 6th December 2023

  • 31st January 2024

  • 6th March 2024






Council Meetings


Council meetings are formal events, they have a clear purpose - to make decisions. They are also public events, the meetings must be advertised and the press and public have a right to observe, record and report on how the Council operates. 


Exceptions are where sensitive issues are discussed, such as legal, contratual or staffing matters. Council can then agree to exclude the press and public for that one item of business.


In addition to Council meetings, an Annual Parish Meeting must be held each year. Electors can contribute to the agenda and this meeting celebrates local activities and debates current issues within the community. The Chairman of the Parish Council will usually chair this meeting.


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